Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today we celebrated Robert's Birthday.
The class learned how to do a "Jelly Roll"!
We all had a lot of fun!

First, the Birthday Boy was in the front of the line, followed by his Mom.

Then, everyone held hands in a line and we all circled around Robert.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

This week is a review week in Language Arts. We will be reviewing the sight words are, they, we, she, and good. Practice the sight words at home with your child!

We will learned about the letters Yy and Zz. The class will use the Smartboard to write their sight words and letters. Then they will work in their April Journals. Please practice writing all the letters with your child. Ask them where they should start (at the sky) for UPPER CASE LETTERS and where they should start (at the fence) for lower case letters.

If you ordered Spring Pictures please put your payment in your child's backpack.
: )

Also, thank you so much for donating to our Classroom Art Basket! The baskets looked amazing! Thank you so much to Leah Leger for putting them together for the carnival!

We will be working on our classroom neighborhood in Social Studies and will be measuring all sorts of things in Math. Last week we used our hands, feet, fingers, different objects in the classroom and paperclips to measure things in the classroom!

Also, Friday is Earth Day so the class will be making a pledge to help the Earth stay healthy! The class already wants to recycle all of our milk cartons and pick up trash and see if we can recycle it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

April 11 - April 15
This week your child is reading "My Teacher Can Teach...Anyone!" and "Bravo, Maurice!". The students will see the wide variety of jobs that people have.

Sight Words this week: she and good. Practice all the sight word your child has learned so far this year!
We have learned: I, a, my, the, go, to, like, he, come, here, this, me, for, where, do, you, look, one, see what, two, up, down, we, want, out, who, are and they. WOW!

We will be working on words ending in -eg, -en and -et.

In Math, we will be practicing telling time to the hour and half hour.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This week we start a new theme – Jobs People Do. This is perfect timing because last week the class had their picture in the Laker telling what they wanted to be when they grew up. I hope everyone saw all their responses.

We will start off the week reading the stories “Everybody Works” by Shelley Rotner and Ken Kreisler and “Zara’s Hats” by Paul Meisel. These books talk about jobs that people have.

We will be writing and learning about the letters: Vv and Jj

This weeks sight words are: are, they

This weeks vocabulary words are: protecting, volunteer, responsible, adore, melancholy and exquisite.

FUN IDEAS THAT YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Job for a Day With your child, make a list of family members and close friends. Next to each name, write one or two jobs he or she does, such as paying or volunteer jobs outside the home and household chores. Read the list aloud and invite your child to choose a job to write about. First, talk about daily tasks, uniforms, and things needed to do the job well. Then, ask your child to dictate sentences about the job. Ask your child to draw a picture of the person doing the job and write a caption for it.

Ask your child what he or she thinks you do during the day while school is in session. You may be surprised at some of their ideas!

In Math we will be reviewing what the names of each coin is and their values. We will also start practicing telling time to the hour and half hour.