Friday, January 29, 2010

February 1st - 5th:
This week we are starting a new theme called "Let's Play". Your child is reading Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo by Kevin Lewis and Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner. We will stretch our imagination as we read and talk about these stories.

Our new sight words are: one and see
Us the word one in a sentence with your child----An example is:
Our family has one __________. (fill in the blank)
Or if you are in the car say:
I see one ___________. (fill in the blank)

In Math we will continue working on numbers 10 - 30. Have you child show you how high they can count. Then practice counting backwards from 30.

This week Ena's mom will come into our classroom and present the first two pieces of art in the Adventures in Art Program. This program is provided by our PTA. The class will have the opportunity to learn about great works of art that are displayed at the Art Institute. After the art pieces are discussed, the student will create their own artwork!

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