Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week of October 19 -23:

The class will be learning about the letter "Cc". Work together to see how many words that start with "Cc" you can come up with! Can you come up with any that end in "Cc"?

We will also be working on recognizing rhyming words, talking about who the characters are in the story, "Bee-bim Bop!" (Ask your parents if they know what Bee-bim Bop means!), introducing the robust vocabulary words (appetite, savor, urgency, aroma, surround, tradition), we will be moving on to Chapter 3 in math. The students will be working on the numbers 0 - 5. We will be writing the numbers, using one-to-one correspondence and identifying groups that have more or less.

In Science we will see how this colder weather is changing our tree. Our class tree is just to the north of the main entrance to Shirley Hills.

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