Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today we worked on blending sounds to read words with /a/"a" and /t/"t". The students then worked independently. They copied a sentence and completed it by writing a word and drawing a picture.

We also are reviewing our sight words. The class was put in pairs and worked together to review the words by rolling a die with the words the, a, I, go and my.

In Social Studies today we learned all about what firefighter do. They have to be physically fit to do their job. Sometimes they live at the fire station. They cook, clean and take care of their equipment. Jake told the class that his dad is a firefighter!

At the end of our day we learned how to write numbers 6 - 10. Ask your child to show you how!
Remember: Our Halloween Party is on Friday!!!!!!!! The class is very excited!!!!!! Your child should wear their costume to school. Ms. Rasicot is wearing hers!!!!!!!!!!

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